Retreats of
With Optional Support of Ancestral Tools and their
Decontextualized & conscious use of them.
In dozens of countries on 5 continents
we offer the opportunity to:


the body

the heart

Releasing the blockages that prevent us from self-realisation
Come to an Inner Evolution Retreat in Madrid give your life a transcendent twist.
Get more information about these retreats from our counselor Laura Torrabadella or register directly through our CALENDAR
A leader in the retreats of Inner Evolution®
This method has enabled us to discover and develop inner mastery, which allows us to have our own resources to find ways out, find answers, or solve delicate situations in daily life.
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT CUSTOMIZED FOR YOU: We count on a team of professionals in medicine, psychology, health, the arts and various human sciences, dedicated full-time to supporting the inner development process of our participants.

Events Program
First day
20:00 – 22:00: Group welcome and night intake preparation session.
22:00 – 03:00: First night session of the ancestral remedy.
3:00 – 09:00: Bed rest.
Second day
09:00 – 10:30: Optional sessions with ancestral remedies and breakfast for those not attending the sessions.
10:30 – 14:00: Transformative Integration.
14:00: Optional sessions with ancestral remedies, before lunch.
14:00 – 15:30: Lunch
15:30 – 17:00: Rest or activities such as meditation, music, group dynamics, etc.
17:00 – 20:30: Snack.
20:30 – 22:30: Night intake preparation session.
22:30 – 03:00: Second night session of ancestral remedy.
3:00 – 09:00: Bed rest.
Last Day
09:00 – 10:30: Optional sessions with ancestral remedies and breakfast for those not attending the sessions.
10:30 – 14:00: Transformative integration and closing of the retreat.
14:00 – 15:30: Final lunch and greetings.

We have developed a TECHNOLOGY OF
TRANSFORMATION that combines:

Evolutionary, conscious and
therapeutic methods of self-discovery

Ancient tools used by mankind for thousands of years and now available to humans: a technology that comes from deep in the Amazon rainforest.
This combination is extremely effective and transformative, allowing us not only to get to the root and origin of our limitations, but also to transcend them, blossoming to our highest potential.
What can change in your life after this retreat?
This process, in which inner potentiality is converted into outward flourishing, is so transformative that we have given it the name Inner Evolution. Everything that limits you has a solution; you can turn your suffering into life, your conditioning into your greatest treasure, your limitation into pure potential.
Ancestral Tools
Our facilitators will recommend the appropriate combination of these tools in accordance with where you are physically, psycho-emotionally and energetically: See at this link what ancestral tools we use in our retreats:
Conscious Coexistence
PHENOMENON, which occurs and can be felt in our homes where we live together, connects us with harmonious intimacy in daily life and in multiple situations, where trust, dignity and LOVE are appreciated. You will find opportunities to deepen your being, your life and your path to reconnect with your personal power.
Something really new and innovative
The possibility of transcending the power of the sum of all the techniques known so far and being reborn to who we really are.
When consciousness and heart are opened we experience something awesome with magnificent repercussions for any
human being. Discover the place within you that opens the door to true transformation.
This happens at the Inner Evolution Retreats a Madrid
Retreat calendar in Madrid