Contact us
Cañada del Barco Viejo, 28 28140, Fuente el Saz del Jarama. Madrid, Spain.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to have a "bad experience" and get worse?
The term “journey” suggests that you go to a place outside of yourself, when, in fact, what is being fostered is a deep internal connection, with a place of your own that already exists and from which you live disconnected.
This process is guided by your own wisdom and, from that place, it is not possible for you to be worse or better, just more aware of how you are. Knowing that until you become aware of the truth, everything will continue to be the same.
Why do we hallucinate or vomit?
One should not speak of “hallucinations” (images that take the place of reality), but rather of “visions” (a broader and more complete view of that reality). Both of these possible effects may or may not occur, and they do not happen all the time, nor to everyone, nor do they respond to the same motive.
Visions are one of the many ways in which information can be received during a session, and it depends very much on each person.
More nuclear than vision, it is the understanding that can come, with or without vision, that is what gives us a guideline on what we can bring into our daily lives.
Vomiting may respond to a physical or emotional cleansing (purging), or even the release of thoughts, emotions, feelings, patterns, beliefs, etc., that we have been carrying for a long time and that are not ours to bear.
Will I be accompanied the whole time?
Yes, our team is available 24 hours before, during and after the retreat.
Also, during all ancestral resource sessions, there will be at least one or two people from our team permanently. We have two facilitators for every 8-10 participants.
What kind of preparation is needed?
We do not propose to do any preparation with diets or abstinence before the retreat, because we consider that participants should carry out their inner evolution work from the “real” state in which they live and not from a “prepared” or “modified” state.
Can I come just one night?
You can come for only one night, although what we recommend, in order to truly experience a process and not just an experience, is that you come for at least two nights. In case you want to start with one night, we recommend that you keep open the possibility of extending to two or more nights, in case you want to complete a process that has opened, or deepen what you are experiencing.
If you are not shamans, who are you and what training do you have?
All of us who work in these retreats are inspired by shamanic culture, learn from it and, at the same time, merge it with the Western reality in which we operate, where conditioning, diseases and situations are profoundly different.
Not only do we handle natural tools professionally, but we also have a lot of experience regarding what happens in the human being, because we ourselves are on the same path of evolution.
We value professionalism, we respect research and study, we value experience, we value scientific rigor, there are psychologists, therapists, doctors among us, but beyond all this, we rely on trust, love and the freedom of our own Being, which gives itself wholeheartedly to the being of our participants.
Visit the website of our Study Center:
Is it an individual or group experience?
Experiences with enteogens are purely individual and personal. They are intimate encounters with oneself.
Parallel to this, you have this same experience within a human and energy field, where people like you are opening up to new life opportunities. This coincidence between the individual and the collective creates a miraculous synergy of recognition, inspiration and affection between people on the same path, without ever losing the priceless uniqueness of each person’s encounter with his or her own being.
What is the decontextualized use of ancestral tools?
It means that our method is coined on the basis on the individuality and uniqueness of each participant; we use different tools, methods, techniques, without in any case one of them occupying the central place. It also means that there is no attachment or strict adherence to any religion, tradition, method, or technique, and all can be combined indistinctly.
In trying to free ourselves, we forget that what we need to free ourselves from is ourselves.
Freeing ourselves from everything and finding our own place